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Post 80x60 mm roll forming line

22 june 2017

Group of companies «Ruscana Engineering» developed and manufactures roll forming line for the producing profile "Post"  with dimensions of 80x60 mm and metal thickness of 1.2-1.5 mm.

There is a great demand on such product.

Such post made of galvanized metal has several advantages:

Does not require painting.

Welded posts are made on lines from cold-rolled, not galvanized metal and in this form are sold.

Therefore, later when installing posts of these types they should be primed and painted.

In cases with a post with a roll formed seam - there is no need to do it, as when producing this type of profile a galvanized steel can be used.

These products are cheaper.

When producing profile with a roll formed seam, there is no welding seam, which makes its production less expensive.

Equipment for producing post with a roll formed seam  in several times cheaper than equipment for producing welded pipes.